Saturday, June 30, 2012

The calm before the storm

Jenny and I arrived in Fernie, British Columbia, Canada on Thursday afternoon to sunny skies.  The Canadian Rockies welcomed us with snow capped peaks and lush green ski slopes...quite the beautiful scenery.
Racer check-in was on Friday, so we had a day to unwind from the long drive, unpack all the gear and get settled into our hotel.  After we were settled in and checked out he town a little (of course where all the restaurants were and where we wanted to go out for dinner) I saddled up and went for a 1.5 hr ride.  I decided to stay on forest roads due to the trails being pretty sloppy from all the rain Fernie had received the past 2 weeks.  From what the local were saying, it had rained 2 weeks straight prior to this week.

We went to our favorite place for dinner, The Curry Bowl (we were here 2 years ago for the Trans Rockies TR3 race) and enjoyed a good meal and a few drinks.  Upon waking up Friday morning, we had grey skies and rain.  Rain continued for the majority of the day, so we decided to head up to the ski resort and check that out.

We initially were planning to test our adventure skills and zip line at the resort (new addition this year) but they were still setting some things up and weren't open yet.  We hope to try this on Monday after the race, photos will accompany for sure.

Friday we took a drive to the Island Lake Lodge which is a huge log cabin lodge nested in the woods with breath-taking views of the Rockies.   We went for a short hike on Tamarack Trail and even saw a moose strolling by.  If you have never seen a moose, just imagine seeing a horse, those animals are huge.  Friday night I picked up my packet and talked to a few of the riders.  The nerves started to kick in as the sight of all the high-end bikes strolled down the streets of Fernie.  Nerves are a good thing though, right.

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