Friday, October 1, 2010

Thrilla series race #4

Last night was the final race of the WebCyclery Thrilla CX Race Series.  All four races in the series used the exact same course, with one steep run-up, and 2 barriers.  There was a good turnout for the finale with roughly 200 riders. 

Since the last cross race I did nearly 2 weeks ago I haven't touched the cross bike; instead riding the mountain bike taking advantage of the great trail conditions in the higher elevations.  So I knew before the race started that it was going to hurt, and hurt alot.  By the end of lap 1 I knew it was going to be a long night of racing (actually only 45 min) because I was breathing pretty damn hard already.  Sitting in 5th position behind Thompson, Peterson, Wodtli and Schmitt I tried to settle in to a rhythm.  Once we finished lap 2 I was beginning to drop back as  had to back off the throttle a bit.  The legs an lungs were screamin and I knew I had to conserve some if I was to finish.  So on the third lap I rode about 80%, which kind of backfired because I got passed by about 4 riders.  Then the final 2 laps I tried to gain back what I lost but was unable to do so. 

The run-up section kills me every time; it's steep and very soft and about 20 yards long.   It takes all of my energy just to make it up the damn hill.  Ahh, the pain we inflict upon ourselves...priceless

Great race series once again by WebCyclery.  Starting this month is the popular CrossCrusade race series held over near Portland.  From what I hear the first rce in the series draws nearly 1800 riders.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the race but hope to be able to do at least 4 of the races.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sloane, good to see you at the BBFT. Send me some info on the Portugal race and anything else you are interested in that requires a teammate.
Contact info is:

Nelson Snyder
503 866 2871