This is a great website to utilize for all your nutrition needs. MyPyramid.gov
I felt that since the Dietary Guidelines are soon to be revised in 2010 (they are revised every 5 years by the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services.) why not provide some helpful info to get you acquainted with the Guidelines in the first place.
A great tool is to go to the MyPyramid Plan and find out the amount of each food group you need daily. You will most likely be amazed how little you consume vs. what you think you consume daily.
Also worth checking out, MyPyramid Tracker.
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee just met in Washington D.C during the end of April and the meeting was held via Webinar if you would like to watch.
Keep in mind that these are just "guidelines" and that you may need to adjust according to your activity level, or specific health condition.