Monday, May 14, 2012

ChainBreaker...Race Report

I think I should start personally calling this race the LegBreaker.  This is always one of my hardest races on my schedule each year.  This year I had a pretty hard week of training leading up the the event, so at the ,midway point of the race my legs just about fell off.   The constant undulating and rough terrain got the best of my legs, and along with the accumulation of training it just wasn't my day.  Plus, I ran waaaay to much tire pressure than I should have.  Going with the hardtail Kona, I ran 35psi titre pressure and should have stuck with around 28psi instead.   I was getting bucked around too much on the saddle and it seemed to also zap a little energy from my legs,.

It's always frustrating to not be your best at a local event, but I just have to keep focused on the bigger picture with more priority races later in the season.  Barry Wicks won the event, and I would have to say this is the best form I have seen from him in recent years.   He has already racked up some impressive results this season.

The temps were pretty warm on race day, and the dust (oh yeah the dust) was brutal as always.  By the end of the "starter" loop, my throat was coated with dust.  By the end of lap 1 I think I had enough dust on my face to act as 75 proof sunblock.

'Til next season, the Chainbreaker wins again.

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