The worst part so far has been the itching of the scar. It feels like a feather is touching my skin, but I can't scratch it because I have no feeling. My face is pretty swollen still and I haven't been able to take a shower for 3 days, eeeuuwww.
Below are some photos. View at your own discretion.
All wrapped up post-surgery
This was a drain inside my neck for blood, damn thing was like 3 inches long. I had it removed the day after surgery.
Feeling better...making the calls to the family to give the ok
The day after surgery I had to have this stupid thing wrapped around my head
All bandages off...but still numb
If you were to add up the length of scars I have just on my head/neck alone, it would be close to a foot long. The scars are like tatoos though, a story behind each one.
Just tell people it was a muggin gone bad ;)
Yeah, I fended off 3 Brazilian jujitsu fighters with knives. Yeah that's what REALLY happened. Yeah
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